Write For Us
We welcome and love new contributions from our growing community. Here's what you need to know:
Word count: Your posts must contain at least more than 300 words.
Tone: Please read the About page to find out what for this blog is made and then write your stories or articles.
Original Content: We ask that posts submitted be unique and original to The Karmakar Post. We do not accept posts that have already been published or submitted elsewhere online (not even on your personal blog) or that you plan to distribute to other websites.
The Karmakar Post reserve all rights of the site and contents and we may discontinue or suspend our site and terminate your use at anytime without any information.
We are not interested in SEO-driven submissions that are not in line with our philosophy: If you work for a content farm or are a freelancer who writes articles for the sole purpose of linking up keywords in an effort to boost SEO, we are not interested. If your submission or bio references or promotes a business or service that is not in line with our philosophy, then we are not interested.
Acceptance: Since we do not compensate contributors for posts, we're more than happy to include a byline and your brief bio containing links to your website, Facebook, Twitter accounts, which we will promote when your post goes live. Please keep your bio to just 2-3 sentences.
By submitting to The Karmakar Post you acknowledge that you accept all our terms, and any form of editing that might occur on behalf of the The Karmakar Post editorial team.
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO WRITE FOR US. or Visit Contact Us page to write.
Thank you.
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO WRITE FOR US. or Visit Contact Us page to write.
Thank you.